Vampires Fall Origins Lost Son Again
Painful Difficulty (#2)
The next step is running through the game five more times so we can do Brutal Mazes. Let's talk more about precisely why that is. You already know about upgrading the level of an item, but you can also upgrade the quality at certain points. At playthrough 2, 4 and 6 you unlock new qualities. They increase stats by quite a bit more than upgrading the level of the item, and add a bonus to max HP on each item, even if it didn't have that stat before. There's also an item quality aura for having everything be the same quality. The highest quality is Pristine, and that's what we need if we want to do the Brutal mazes, as some of the bosses have hundreds of thousands of HP and do tonnes of damage.
In order to upgrade the quality of an item, it needs to be a certain level. For Improved, which is the quality we unlock when playthrough 2 starts, an item needs to be +3 or higher. It costs a flat amount of bloodstones to upgrade the quality and works 100% of the time. 16 for the weapon and offhand, and 8 for everything else. So there's a bloodstone cost to get it to the right level, and a cost to upgrade it, which is why we needed to hoard them. The level needed and the bloodstone cost go up with each quality tier. I'll talk about the other two tiers when we unlock them in the walkthrough. Note that the upgrade level doesn't go down when you upgrade the quality, so don't be afraid to upgrade a weapon past what a quality tier requires if you have the extra bloodstones.
The good news is that since the item quality aura is pretty low compared to the stat increases from upgrading, so you don't need EVERYTHING to be upgraded to the highest quality, even for the Brutal Mazes. Getting your weapon and a couple pieces of armour should be good enough, though it's worth taking everything to Superior because the chances to upgrade level to +5 aren't bad, but +6 and +7 for Pristine are rough. Note that you can buy equipment with quality already upgraded. For example, in playthrough 2 you can buy Improved quality items, however these will be +0, cost quite a bit of gold you won't have since you're rushing through the game, and most of the equipment can't be bought until late in the game. In short, it's of limited use.
Anyway, I'll be giving a brief description of the story from now on. We've done it once, don't need to do the side stuff, so it's all about blazing through the game ASAP to rebirth again, and continue until we reach Infernum and can try the Brutal Mazes.
Witchmaster Arc (First map)
-Talk to Angmar north of you, talk to Sava northeast of you, kill the beast west of Sava and return to him.
-Return to Angmar for a scene, The Witchmaster will still roll you.
-Interact with the well, then drink from the dead body. Head northeast to Avan. When you reach Sava make sure to pick the other choice for the bite for the other achievement, and remember which one you pick for the riddler just before the final boss. If you followed the walkthrough you chose to bite him last time, so say no this time to earn:
-In Avan talk to Archil, light all four torches and return to him.
-Go southeast to the wagon, follow the blood trail south to the village and then beat the guy at the wagon.
-Return to Archil in Avan, then talk to Vaso.
-Talk to Tsisana and pick .
-Head north to the bush circle and stand in the middle.
-Head to the market in Avan (north of your lair). Talk to the guy with the sword and shield in the northeast part, the old guy in the south part and pay him, and the lady in the middle of the market.
-Head west to the marker and beat the three dudes.
-Return to Archil in Avan, then talk to Vaso near the church. Beat him and then talk to Tsisana and then
-Go northwest to Kamengrad and talk to Professor Ozin, then talk to the guard outside the council building.
-Go northwest to the marker and stand in the bush circle, beat the enemy.
-Go back to Professor Ozin, then go south and talk to Jakov twice. Fight three boars a bit south of him and then return to him
-Go northeast and talk to Sibila, go north and grab the red mushroom then return to her.
-Go east and talk to Barzel, then go east and beat up the bandits and return to him.
-Now go south to Adrijana, give her the gold for approval. Return to Kamengrad.
-Talk to the council and choose when you have a choice.
-Now you need to check a bunch of items in Kamengrad Ruins. The sword southwest of the Maelstroms guy, the blood north of it, the barrel just south of it, the pillar southeast of the guy, the Serafinx (stone circle) northeast of it, and the statue puzzle east of him. Turn the statues so the eyes face the sarcophagus in the middle and then search it. Return to the council.
-Head to the Library of the Shades. Beat the top guy, pay the middle guy 150 gold, and tell the south guy Charcoal . Check the Library for the scrolls, then return to the council in Kamengrad.
-Head back to Vamp'Ire (where the game started) and approach Sava, choose and win the fight. Check the body and take the blood.
-Head to Woodland Village east of Avan and talk to the three Shady Traders in the southwest corner, southeast corner and northeast corner of the village.
-Talk to Mathias at the last marker. Go south to the dirt pile with red text and beat the rat. Return to Kamengrad.
-Talk to the council, beat the monster, talk to the black cloud and pick
-Teleport to Avan and go east to Cahl's Tavern. Talk to the Suspicious Man and answer
-Head north to Easthaven, check the far west marker and talk to the Quiet Man.
-Go to each marker, talk to the guard, and press to fight them. Return to the Quiet Man, then talk to Arvid by him.
-Go to the docks northeast of you, talk to the four scouts, then approach the marker for a scene and a fight.
-Return to Arvid, then go southeast to the bar and talk to the Drunk. Then go southeast and talk to Eerikki .
-Head far to the south to the marker and fight a Seeker Beast, then return to Eerikki .
-Head northwest to where Arvid is and use the potion west of him. Follow the tail southeast to the Lonely Person and talk to them for a fight. Return to Arvid.
-Burn the wagon and kill the enemies in Troldeskoven, kill two Scouts (I just wandered around the tents in the area where the 10 enemies were), burn the two wagons in Easthaven, burn the two wagons south of Easthaven, and kill the captain southwest of Easthaven.
-Return to Arvid, buy a Greater Blood Vial from the potion store, then go south to the camp, recruit everyone. Seth wants the Vial, Cornelius wants gold, for Marcellius you need to talk to his dad right by him and then cn_up].
-Return to Arvid. Check the three markers and then return to Arvid, though he's south of Easthaven now.
-Head to the marker in southeast Troldeskoven and kill the guard, then burn the weapons.
-Head to the marker in Easthaven and kill the guards, then talk to Arvid. Interact with the door, beat Arvid, then check the dead bodies.
-Go to Mor Nyth, west of Easthaven now. Talk to the Old Lady by the potion shop.
-Follow the east side of the river south and interact with the rock, then go west and interact with the cave and kill the three enemies one by one.
-Return to the Old Lady, head to the marker and interact with the stone . Interact with the Witchmaster and kill him. Make your choice, and remember it for the end of the game.
Sava arc (Second Map)
-Head to the Captain of the Sea in Easthaven and take the ship to Denumald.
-Talk to Olafur. Head east to Ironhold and talk to the far west guard.
-Head all the way south to Watcher's Village and talk to the Lord of Watcher's Village, west of the smithy.
-Head east and follow the coast to fight the Secondborn, then return to Lord of Watcher's Village.
-Head to the marker, probably faster to teleport to Jorvik and walk southeast. Talk to the Outpost Leader.
-Go north, kill the bandits, return to the Outpost Leader, then go north to the building for a fight.
-Follow the footprints to Aytama and talk to her, then head to Ironhold and talk to her again.
-Approach the far left marker for a fight, then return to Aytama.
-Head to Farseer Village north of you and talk to the translator.
-Talk to Josh and then
for a fight, then return to the translator.
-You need to check the far north stone, which is almost directly north of the translator, then return to him.
-Talk to the Lurkwood Witch southeast of you and
. Return to the door in Ironhold and beat the guardian
-Talk to Aytama, then head east and talk to the Heart of the Island Priest. Head southeast and try to cross the bridge for a scene.
-Head north to Gordova to the marker, then after the guy talks to you go to the new one and talk to Antonio.
-Go north to the area with the marker and fight four Minions of the White Witch, then go south and beat her. Return to Antonio.
-Go to the far north marker and talk to Ciara, buy a drink from the nearby Bartender and talk to her again
-Talk to the far west Sava marker. Head to the 3rd map piece marker north of you and talk to Karlt.
-Head southeast to the Map 3rd Piece marker and talk to Brendan, then talk to Liam just south of him at the Sava marker. Head south to the last Sava marker and talk to Marion.
-Teleport to Avan, go north and talk to the Hunter. Teleport to Kamengrad and talk to the Professor south of you.
-Teleport to Ironhold, talk to Grul northeast of you for Map 3rd part. Teleport to Gordova.
-Head west to the Map 2nd Part marker and kill the Ice Phantom. Head west to the path and follow it north to Smuggler's Bay.
-Talk to the far east marker named Melisah and teleport to Gordova.
-Talk to the two northernmost Sava markers and the Map 1st Part marker.
-Now head to the Sava marker. As a reminder, you have to go all the way around to the passage through the mountains far to the south of the marker, and then head north.
-Interact with the cave, then grab the rope off the tree and the wood south of it and interact with the cave again .
-Go south to the bridge and beat the enemies, then go southeast and take the side quest to rebuild the bridge. Go southwest and beat the troll, then return to the bridge.
-Head to the door southeast of the bridge and beat the guardian. Head southeast to the door and interact with it.
-Go north to the tree and talk to it, then go northwest and beat the enemy, northwest again, and then northeast. Return to the tree .
-Go northwest to the Heart of the Island and talk to the Priest, north of the Brutal Maze .
-Kill the grips at each tree and then talk to the main tree and beat it.
-Go south to the door and interact with it, beat the guardian.
-Now progress to the markers and answer the riddlers.
Did you destroy the heart or mind
Is the witchmaster dead or alive
Did you bite sava or refuse
Did you find Vaso's son or didn't bother
-Now defeat Sava. You are again depending on him not removing your focus regen before your first combo turn. If he does, you have to try and survive it. I would suggest stacking Fortify until he either removes your focus regen or your first combo turn comes up, then Sharpen and Heavy Thrust to a hopeful victory. Otherwise you'll have to pray to RNGesus for enough blocks/dodges to make it past the debuff.
Horror Playthrough (#3)You do not unlock a higher quality tier this time. However, Superior quality items can drop now. The odds of getting a Superior drop of an item you're using is really low though, so not much is going to change for this playthrough. Everything has more HP and gives better experience/gold basically. Sadly, around the Lurkwood Witch on map 2 the game starts to be a little rough. Enemies do about 1/3 of your health with one attack, and Bite scales so poorly it's not enough to keep you topped up. At this point, starting with Fortify isn't a bad idea, though it won't make a huge difference. This is when you start hoping you get lucky with dodges/blocks.
Nightmare Playthrough (#4)You can now upgrade your gear to Superior at +5, or buy it. Upgrading your weapon/shield to Superior will cost 18 BS, everything else will be 12 BS. I eventually starting using a new combat order. I would start with Fracture every turn until the combo turn, then I'd do Fracture twice, Sharpen, Petrify, then as many Heavy Thrusts as I could do. There's going to be a lot of fights later on where you won't kill the enemy first combo turn unless you get some crits, and despite having 27% crit, I definitely didn't seem to crit 1 in 4 attacks. Oh well.
Hell Playthrough (#5)Pristine gear can drop, but much like the Horror playthrough it's super unlikely you'll get a drop of something you can use. The game is harder, your gear is not better. The tail end of this playthrough is pretty rough, I died a few times. Despite having 79% dodge and 40% block there were some fights where I'd get hit multiple times in a row AND the dodging death bloodline didn't pop (50% chance btw), and there were multiple fights where despite 30% crit chance I would never crit in 5-10 attacks. In short, this playthrough is absolute pain. I had 300k gold and only lost 23 gold for dying so it's not like dying matters much, but it's pretty annoying. At this point, you aren't going to level up much more (maybe once if at all) so it might be a good idea to respec. The bonus gold and experience bloodlines aren't going to do much at this point, but you do lose the ability to have three crafting slots and the 5th potion slot, so I'd probably only do it if you're doing pretty good on bloodstones. As for the final fight, he has 130k HP and unless you get a few crits on your first combo turn, you have to hope he doesn't remove all your focus regen, as you probably won't survive the 12 turns while you wait it out. You will get a tiny bit from dodging and each combo turn, but it likely won't be enough to kill him before you die.
Infernum Playthrough (#6)This is it, the last playthrough. Pristine unlocks for upgrading and purchase. The bad news is this is the roughest playthrough of them all, the good news is you can stop right after you open the second stone door in Denumald, because you can reach all the mazes then. You still have to go through most of the game though. When you've opened that door, head to the next page to finally finish this game up.
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