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One of One So Unique No One Better One of a Kind Baby You and Me Not a 2 or 3 One of a Kind Lyrics

I enquire for and so little. Just permit me dominion you, and yous tin have everything that you lot desire.

Labyrinth is a 1986 fantasy film about a young girl named Sarah Williams who, angry with being forced to babysit her little blood brother, Toby, wishes for the goblins to take him away. To her surprise, the goblins do, and the Goblin King, Jareth, arrives to brand her an offer. In exchange for her brother, she tin can have her dreams, just Toby volition exist turned into a goblin and remain in Jareth's kingdom forever. Sarah refuses the offer and must make her manner through a dangerous labyrinth to Jareth'south castle and remember her brother before her fourth dimension limit of thirteen hours is up.

Directed by Jim Henson. Written past Terry Jones.

Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. taglines

Sarah [edit]

Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I take fought my way hither to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that y'all accept stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom every bit great — Yous have no power over me.

  • Give me the kid. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my mode here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to accept dorsum the child that y'all have stolen. For my will is as strong equally yours, and my kingdom every bit great — You have no ability over me.
  • Damn, I can never call back that line.
  • You really wanted to talk to me, didn't yous? Practically bankrupt down the door.
  • Someone has been in my room again. I hate that. I hate information technology!
  • Someone salvage me, someone accept me away from this awful place!
  • Once upon a time, there was a beautiful immature girl whose stepmother always fabricated her stay home with the babe. And the baby was a spoiled child, and wanted everything for himself, and the young girl was practically a slave. But what no one knew is that the king of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl, and he had given her sure powers. So i night, when the baby had been particularly cruel to her, she called on the goblins for assistance! "Say your correct words," the goblins said, "and we'll accept the baby to the Goblin City. And yous volition be complimentary." But the girl knew that the king would go along the baby in his castle for ever and ever and ever, and turn it into a goblin.
  • I can deport it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin Male monarch! Wherever you may be, take this kid of mine far away from me!
  • I wish the goblins would come and have yous abroad, correct now.
  • Come on, feet.
  • It's not fair!
  • It's a piece of cake.
  • Information technology'due south all junk!
  • I have to confront him alone... because that's the mode it's done.

Jareth the Goblin Rex [edit]

Everything that y'all wanted, I have done. You asked that child be taken; I took him. You cowered before me; I was frightened. I have reordered fourth dimension, I accept turned the world upside downwardly, and I take washed it all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me.

  • Sarah, go back to your room. Play with your toys and your costumes. Forget about the babe.
  • I've brought y'all a gift. It'south a crystal, nothing more. But if you turn it this way, and await into it, it will show y'all your dreams. But this is not a souvenir for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming infant.
  • You accept thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your babe brother becomes 1 of usa... forever. Such a compassion.
  • In 9 hours and twenty-three minutes... yous'll be mine!
  • Well, laugh.
  • Nothing? Nothing? Nada tra-la-la?!
  • What is that plastic matter 'circular your wrist?
  • And then, the Labyrinth's a piece of cake, is it? Well, permit's see how you deal with this lilliputian slice!
  • I think I'll call him Jareth. He's got my eyes.
  • Everything that you wanted, I have done. You asked that child be taken; I took him. You cowered before me; I was frightening. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside downwardly, and I accept washed information technology all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me. Isn't that generous?
  • "I ask for then niggling. Just let me rule y'all, and you can have everything that y'all want."
  • "Just fear me. Love me. Do as I say, and I will be your slave!"

Other Characters [edit]

  • Stepmother: She treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story, no affair what I say.
  • Worm: If she'd 'ave kept on goin' down that way she'd 'ave gone directly to that castle.
  • Hoggle: The Cleaners, the Bog of Stench—y'all sure got his attention!
  • Hoggle: Let'south get that rat who calls himself Jareth!
  • Ludo: Scent BAD!
  • Didymus: I say, does anyone want to play a game of Scrabble?
  • Worm: Come in side, have a prissy cup o' tea.
  • Bird Hat: It is and so stimulating being your hat!
  • Goblin: "I wish the goblins would come and take you away right now," THAT'Due south NOT HARD, IS IT?!
  • Goblin: Your mother is a fraggin' aardvark!
  • Goblin Cannonball: I hitting zumzing? Yeah? No?
  • Fiery: It's against the rules to throw other people's heads.
  • Didymus: You're going the wrong way! The battle's BEHIND the states!
  • Didymus: (every bit Ambrosius charges out of the gates) AMBROSIUS, if you don't turn around this second, I WILL NEVER FEED You lot Once more! (a screeching sound is heard and Ambrosius comes back inside) That'south meliorate! Don't worry, Ambrosius, I think nosotros have them surrounded! (looks at the goblins surrounding him) Now, if you throw down your weapons, I'll see that you're well treated!

Dialogue [edit]

Sarah: Yous're him, aren't you? You're the Goblin King! I want my brother back, please, if it'southward even so.
Jareth: What'due south said is said.
Sarah: But... I didn't mean it.
Jareth: Oh, you didn't?
Sarah: Please, where is he?
Jareth: Yous know very well where he is.
Sarah: Please bring him back. Please!
Jareth: Sarah... go back to your room. Play with your toys and your costumes. Forget about the babe.
Sarah: I tin't.
Jareth: I've brought you... a gift.
Sarah: What is it?
Jareth: It'due south a crystal, nothing more. But if you turn it this manner, and expect into it, it'll show you your dreams. But this is no gift for an ordinary girl who takes intendance of a screaming baby. Do you lot desire it? [silence] So forget the babe!
Sarah: I can't. It isn't that I don't appreciate what y'all're trying to do for me, just I desire my blood brother back. He must be and so scared--
Jareth: Sarah... don't defy me! You're no lucifer for me, Sarah!
Sarah: But I have to have my brother back!
Jareth: [points] He'southward there — in my castle. Practice you still want to await for him?
Sarah: Is that... the castle beyond the Goblin City?
Jareth: Plough dorsum, Sarah. Plough back before it's besides tardily.
Sarah: I can't. Don't you lot sympathize that I can't?
Jareth: What a pity.
Sarah: It doesn't look that far.
Jareth: It's further than you recall... and time is short. You have thirteen hours in which to solve the Labyrinth, before your babe brother becomes one of u.s.a.... forever. Such a compassion...

Sarah: Ow! It fleck me!
Hoggle: What'd you look fairies to do?
Sarah: I thought they did prissy things, like granting wishes!
Hoggle: Huh. Shows what y'all know, don't information technology?

Hoggle: You know your problem? You take too many things for granted. Take this Labyrinth: even if you lot get to the eye, you'll never go out again.
Sarah: That's your opinion.
Hoggle: Well, it'south a lot better than yours!
Sarah: Thanks for nothing, Hogwart.
Hoggle: [growls] Information technology'due south HOGGLE, and don't say I didn't warn you!

Worm: Ello.
Sarah: Did you say... how-do-you-do?
Worm: No, I said "Ello," but that'due south close plenty.
Sarah: Yous're a worm aren't y'all?
Worm: Aye, s'right.
Sarah: You dont by any chance know the style through this Labyrinth do you?
Worm: Who me? Naahh, I'yard just a worm, heh.
Sarah: Oh.
Worm: Come inside and run across the missus.
Sarah: No, thanks, only I have to solve this Labyrinth. Only in that location aren't whatever turns or any openings or anything, information technology but goes on and on!
Worm: Well, you ain't lookin' correct! It's FULL of openings, it's just you ain't seen em !
Sarah: Well, where are they?
Worm: There's one but across there its right in-front end of ya.
Sarah: No in that location isn't.
Worm: Come inside and have a dainty cuppa tea.
Sarah: But... there isn't an opening!
Worm: (laughs) Course in that location is! Yous try walking through it, you'll see what I mean!
Sarah: What?
Worm: Continue, go on then!
Sarah: That's but wall! In that location's no mode through.
Worm: Things are not always what they seem in this identify. So, you can't accept anything for granted.
Sarah: (walks through the 'wall') Hey!
Worm: Hey, 'ang on!
Sarah: Cheers! That was incredibly helpful! (starts to plough left)
Worm: Don't go that way!
Sarah: What was that?
Worm: I said, don't go that fashion! Never become that manner!
Sarah: Oh... thanks!
(Sarah goes in opposite management):
Worm: If she had kept going down that fashion, she would've gone straight to that castle!

Sarah: What a horrible place this is! It's non fair!
Tim: That's right. It's not fair!
[All the guards laugh.]
Tim: Simply that's simply one-half of information technology!
Sarah: This was a dead end a minute ago.
Jim: No, that's the dead end behind you!
[All the guards laugh, and Sarah sees that they are right.]
Sarah: Information technology keeps changing! What am I supposed to do?
Tim: The only way out of here is to try ane of these doors.
Jim: One of them leads to the castle at the centre of the Labyrinth, and the other one leads to...
Ralph: B-b-b-BOOM!
Jim: Certain death!
All Guards: Ooooooooh!
Sarah: Which one is which?
Tim: Er, we tin't tell you.
Sarah: Why not?
[The bottom guards think and mutter to each other.]
Tim: Nosotros don't know!
Jim: [looks up at summit guards] But they do.
Sarah: Oh. So I'll inquire them.

Sarah: Help! Stop it! Assistance!
[The Hands starting time forming faces and speaking to her]
Hands 1: What practise you mean 'assistance?' Nosotros are helping!
Easily 2: We're Helping Hands.
Sarah: You're hurting!
Easily 3: Would you like usa to let go? [laughs]
Sarah: No!
Hands 4: Well and then, come on, which way?
Sarah: Which way?
Easily v: Upward or down?
Sarah: Oh...
Hands six: Come on, come on!
Hands 7: We havn't got all twenty-four hour period!
Hands eight: Well, it's a big decision for her.
Easily 9: Which way do you want to become? Hmm?
Hands 10: Yep, which style?
Sarah: Well... since I'k pointed that way, I guess I'll go down.
Hands 11: She chose down!
Hands 12: She chose down? HEEEHHH!
Sarah: Expect... was that wrong?
Hands 13: Too late at present! HAHAHAHAHA!

Jareth: (looking at Sarah through a crystal) She's in the oubliette. (goblins express mirth) Shut up! She should not accept gotten as far as the oubliette, she should have given upward past now.
Goblin: She'll never give upward.
Jareth: Won't she? The dwarf's about to atomic number 82 her dorsum to the outset, she'll soon give up when she realises she has to start all over once more.... Well, laugh!

Hoggle: This is an oubliette. Labyrinth'south full of 'em.
Sarah: Actually... how did you know that?
Hoggle: Oh, don't sound so smart! You don't even know what an oubliette is.
Sarah: Do you?
Hoggle: Yes. It'south a place you put people... to forget almost 'em!

Imitation Warning one: Don't go on.
False Alarm ii: Get back while you lot however tin can.
False Alarm three: This is not the manner.
Simulated Alarm 4: Take heed, and go no further.
Faux Alarm 5: Beware, beware.
Imitation Alarm half-dozen: Soon it will be too tardily.
Hoggle: (to Sarah) Don't pay any attention to them. They're just Simulated Alarms. You lot get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track...
Fake Alarm 7: Oh, no you're not.
Hoggle: Oh, shut upward!
False Warning 7: Sorry, simply doing my job.
Hoggle: Well you don't have to practise it to us!
Fake Alert viii: Beware, for the...
Hoggle: Just forget it!
False Warning eight: Oh please, I oasis't said it for such a long time!
Hoggle: Oh, all right, merely don't expect a big reaction!
False Alarm 8: No no no, of course not! (clears pharynx) "For the path yous will accept will lead to certain devastation." Give thanks you very much...

Jareth: (in disguise as a bird-similar ragamuffin) Ahhh.... what have we hither?
Hoggle: Uhhh, null!
Jareth: (removing his duisguise) Null? Zilch?! Nothing?! Nothing, tra-la-la?!
Hoggle: Your Majesty! What a NICE surprise.
Jareth: Hello, Hedgewart.
Sarah: Hogwart.
Hoggle: HOG-GLE!
Jareth: Hoggle... tin information technology exist that you're helping this girl?
Hoggle: Helping? In what sense?
Jareth: In the sense that you lot're leading her towards the castle?
Hoggle: No! No! I was taking her dorsum to the beginning your Majesty.
Sarah: What?!
Hoggle: I told her I was gonna help her solve the Labyrinth, a petty trickery on my office. But actually--
Jareth: What IS that plastic thing round your wrist? (the bracelet Sarah has simply given Hoggle in commutation for being led through the Labyrinth)
Hoggle: (guiltily) Oh...Oh this? Oh, my goodness, where did THIS come from?
Jareth: Higgle...
Hoggle: Hoggle!
Jareth: Yep... If I idea for one 2nd that yous were betraying me, I'd exist forced to suspend yous caput-commencement in the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Hoggle: (grabs Jareth'south knees) AH NO, YOUR MAJESTY! Non THE ETERNAL STENCH!
Jareth: Oh YES, Hoggle! (throws him off) And you, Sarah - how are you enjoying my Labyrinth?
Sarah: It'southward a slice of cake!
Jareth: Really? Then how about upping the stakes hmm? (turns the clock frontward to only 8 hours left)
Sarah: That'due south not fair!
Jareth: Y'all say that so oft! I wonder what your basis for comparison is. So the Labyrinth's a piece of cake, is it? (produces crystal) Well permit's encounter how y'all deal with this little slice... (throws information technology down the corridor, where it becomes 'The Cleaners')

Hoggle: You lot need to understand my position: I'm a coward. And Jareth scares me.
Sarah: What kind of position is that?
Hoggle: NO position! That'south my point! And you wouldn't exist so brave if you'd ever smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench. It'due south, it'due south...
Sarah: Is that all it does, it smells?
Hoggle: Oh, believe me, that's plenty. Simply the worst matter is, if you so much every bit put a foot in the Bog of Stench, you'll smell bad for the rest of your life. It'll never wash off.

Door Knocker ane: [has his ring in his ears] IT'S VERY RUDE TO STARE!
Sarah: I'grand distressing, I was but wondering which door to cull.
Knocker 1: What?
Knocker 2: [his ring is in his oral cavity, muffling his voice] It'th no good athking him, he'th deaf ath a...
Knocker 1: Don't talk with your oral cavity full!
Knocker 2: [muffled protestation] I'grand not talkin' with my mouth full!
Sarah: I'm pitiful, I can't understand a word you're maxim.
Knocker 1: What were you saying?
[Sarah pulls the band out of the 2nd Knocker's mouth.]
Knocker 2: Aaaah. Oooh. Um, mum. Oh, it is so good to get that thing out.
Sarah: What did you say?
Knocker two: I said, "It'south no good asking him. He'southward deaf equally a..."
Knocker 1: Mumble, mumble, mumble. You're a wonderful conversational companion.
Knocker ii: YOU Can TALK! ALL Yous Practice IS MOAN!
Knocker 1: No good. Tin can't hear you lot.

Fiery 1: Hey! Hey! Her head don't come off!
Sarah: Of course it doesn't!
Fiery 2: Hey! Where yous going wit a head like that?!

Jareth: Well! If it isn't you. And, uhh... WHERE. ARE YOU. GOING?
Hoggle: Uhh... well...the lilliputian lady gave me the slip, just uhh... I just hears her now. So I was simply on my way to lead her back to the beginning, like you told me.
Jareth: I meet. For ane moment, I thought you were running to assistance her. But no... not after my warnings, that WOULD exist stupid!
Hoggle: Oh! Y'all bet information technology would! Me? Help her? Later on your warnings? (laughs nervously)
Jareth: (appearing suddenly in front end of him) Oh dear, poor Hoghead.
Hoggle: Hoggle.
Jareth: I've just noticed that your lovely jewels are missing.
Hoggle: Uh, oh yeah! And then they are. My lovely jewels. Missing. I'd better find 'em, but first, I'thou off to take the young lady back to the commencement of the Labyrinth, only like we planned!
Jareth: Expect! I've got a much ameliorate plan, Hoggle. Requite her this.
[Jareth tosses him a crystal which transforms into a peach.]
Hoggle: What is it?
Jareth: Information technology'southward a nowadays.
Hoggle: It own't gonna hurt the piddling lady, is information technology?
Jareth: Oh, why the business concern?
Hoggle: I won't practise nothin' to damage her.
Jareth: Oh, come, come up, come, Hogbrain! I'grand surprised at yous, losing your head over a girl.
Hoggle: I ain't lost my caput!
Jareth: Yous don't remember a immature girl could similar a repulsive little scab like you, practice you?
Hoggle: Well, she did say we was...
Jareth: What? Bosom companions? [dangerously] Friends?
Hoggle: It don't thing.
Jareth: [points at the peach angrily] You'll give her that, Hoggle, or I'll dip you straight into the Bog of Eternal Stench before you lot can blink! And Hoggle! If she e'er kisses you, I'll plough yous into a prince.
Hoggle: Y-you will?
Jareth: Prince of the Country of Stench! [laughs]

Hoggle: What did you have to get and practise a thing like that for?!
Sarah: Yous mean rescue you?
Hoggle: No! You kissed me!

Didymus: I take sworn with my lifeblood no i shall laissez passer this fashion without my permission.
Sarah: Well... May we have your permission?
Didymus: Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... yep?

Sir Didymus: My blood brother! Canst thou summon up the very rocks?
Ludo: Sure. Rocks friends.

[Upon reaching the Goblin City]
Didymus: [loudly] Open up! Open the door!
Sarah: Sssh! Sir, Didymus, we must become quietly.
Didymus: [knocking on the door] Open up up! Open up right now!
Sarah: Sir Didymus, you'll wake the baby-sit!
Didymus: Well, let them all wake upward! [hammers on the sleeping guard's helmet, almost waking him] I shall fight you all to the death!
Sarah: [restrains him] Sir Didymus, for my sake, hush!
Didymus: But of form, for thee, anything! But... I'm non a coward?
Sarah: No.
Didymus: And my sense of smell is swell?
Sarah: Of class--
Sarah: Nosotros all know! Now hush!
Didymus: [following the others inside] I don't see why we're being so tranquility. Information technology's only a Goblin City!

[Upon entering the castle]
Didymus: Well, come on!
Sarah: No! I accept to face him lonely.
Didymus: But why?
Sarah: Because... that's the way it's done.
Didymus: Well, if that is the way it is done, then that is the way you must practise information technology. But, should you need united states...
Hoggle: Yes, should you need usa...
Sarah: I'll call. Thanks.

Sarah: Give me the child.
Jareth: Sarah, beware. I take been generous, up until now. But I can be roughshod.
Sarah: (disbelieving) Generous? What have you washed that'south generous?
Jareth: Everything! Everything that yous wanted, I have done! You asked that the child exist taken - I took him. You cowered earlier me - I was frightening. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside downward, and I have done information technology all for you! I am wearied from living up to your expectations of me. Isn't that generous?
Sarah: (dreamily) Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered ... I have fought my mode hither to the castle beyond the goblin city ... for my will is as strong as yours... and my kin-
Jareth: Cease! Await. Expect, Sarah, look what I'thousand offer. (he holds out the crystal) Your dreams!
Sarah: (undeterred) And my kingdom equally great...
Jareth: I enquire for so petty. Merely let me rule you, and you tin have everything that you desire.
Sarah: Kingdom equally neat ... damn! I can never recollect that line...
Jareth: Just fear me - honey me - do equally I say, and I will be your slave!
Sarah: My kingdom as smashing ... my kingdom as nifty ... (she looks at him, realization dawning) You have no ability over me!

[terminal lines]
Ludo: Cheerio, Sarah.
Didymus: And call back, fair maiden, should yous need usa...
Hoggle: Yes, should y'all need u.s.a., for whatever reason at all...
Sarah: I need you, Hoggle.
Hoggle: Yous practice?
Sarah: I don't know why, just every now and again in my life — for no reason at all — I need you. All of y'all.
Hoggle: Yous do? Well... WHY DIDN'T Y'all SAY SO?
[they all appear in her room, forth with the goblins, and they all begin auspicious and laughing]
Didymus: I say, does anyone want to play a game of Scrabble?

Song lyrics [edit]

  • No one tin blame you for walking away, but as well much rejection nah nah, no love injection, nah nah. Life can't be easy, it's not e'er great. (Underground)
  • Don't tell me truth hurts, little daughter, 'cause it hurts similar hell. (Undercover)
  • But downward in the Cloak-and-dagger, you'll find someone true. Downward in the hole-and-corner, a land serene, a crystal moon... ahh ahh. It's only forever, not long at all. The lost and the lonely, that'south underground, undercover. (Underground)
  • You lot remind me of the babe (what babe?) the baby with the power (what ability?) the power of voodoo (who do?) you practice (do what?) remind me of the babe! (Magic Dance)
  • Slap that baby, make him free! (Magic Dance)
  • Practiced times, bad food... (Chilly Down)
  • There's such a pitiful love deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel, opened and airtight within your eyes, I'll place the sky within your optics... (As the Earth Falls Downwardly)
  • I'll pigment you mornings of gold, I'll spin you Valentine evenings... (As the Globe Falls Downward)
  • Everything I've done, I've done for you. I motility the stars for no one. (Within You)
  • Your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so vicious... (Within Yous)
  • Live without the sunlight. Dear without your heartbeat. I... I can't alive within you. (Within You)

Taglines [edit]

  • Where everything seems possible and nothing is what information technology seems.
  • Where anything is possible.

Bandage [edit]

  • David Bowie — Jareth the Goblin King
  • Jennifer Connelly — Sarah Williams
  • Toby Froud — Toby
  • Shelley Thompson — Stepmother
  • Christopher Malcolm — Male parent
  • Shari Weiser - Hoggle
  • Brian Henson — Hoggle (voice)
  • Ron Mueck — Ludo (phonation)
  • David Shaughnessy — Sir Didymus (voice)

External links [edit]


  • Labyrinth on Wikipedia
  • Labyrinth at IMDb
  • Labyrinth at Rotten Tomatoes

One of One So Unique No One Better One of a Kind Baby You and Me Not a 2 or 3 One of a Kind Lyrics
