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How to Get Rid of Bat Wings Without Surgery

How to Get Rid of Saggy, Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin

The first day of summer has finally arrived in the Detroit area! And as men and women pull out their bathing suits and tank tops for some summer fun, they can often be disheartened by the appearance of their flabby arms and saggy, hanging loose arm skin.

Unfortunately even rigorous exercise typically won't tighten and tone the annoying skin that hangs down from the upper arm. But the good news is that Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali can permanently tone and tighten even the saggiest arms with routine and affordable arm lift surgery.

What Causes Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin?

Sometimes unkindly called "bat wings" or "bingo wings" loose skin on the arms can be the result of significant weight gain and/or loss, or simply caused by the aging process, gravity, or just a genetic predisposition to saggy arm skin.

In other words, if you have lost a lot of weight, or if you are over 50, or if your mom had loose arm skin, there's a good chance you will end up with flabby arms.

Whatever the cause of loose arm skin, it simply can't be remedied with exercise because it is the skin (and not the muscle) that is "loose". While exercise can tighten muscles, it does not tone skin.

How to Get Rid of Flabby Arms & Loose Arm Skin

Fortunately, new technologies and advancements in surgical techniques have now made it faster, easier and safer to get rid of loose, flabby upper arm skin with routine arm lift surgery.

These new arm lift surgeries enable Detroit area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali to surgically get rid of flabby arms with better results, less discomfort and substantially less downtime.

In fact there has been an astounding 5000% increase in arm lift surgeries in the last twenty years, according to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Their 2018 report indicates that there were 338 arm lifts performed in the year 2000, more than 15, 000 performed in 2012, and 18,033 arm lift surgeries in the US in 2018!

Arm Lifts Permanently Get Rid of Loose Arm Skin

One of the best things about an arm lift for loose or flabby arm skin is that the results are permanent, as long as the patient does not gain or lose a significant amount of weight after. Of course, the body will still undergo the normal aging process, but once the loose arm skin is removed, it's gone for good.

And, for patients with excess upper arm fat, in addition to loose arm skin, arm lift surgery can also be combined with liposuction. Liposuction is also a permanent procedure that "sucks out" excess fat through a small tube – and once the fat cells are removed they will never return in that area!

Arm Lift Before And After Photos

arm lift before arm lift after

arm lift birmingham mi arm lift birmingham mi


Get Rid of Loose, Flabby Arms this Summer

If you have loose, flabby arm skin, there is no need to keep hiding under long sleeves at the pool or beach, and on hot Detroit summer days! Schedule an arm lift consultation with board certified Detroit area plastic surgeon Dr. Ali today – and get toned, tight arms you'll love to show off in a sleeveless dress, tank top or bathing suit!

Detroit Area's Top Best Arm Lift Doctor

Birmingham double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has helped hundreds of women and men get the firm arms that they have always wanted with Arm Lift Surgery. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ali, and he will take the time to discuss your appearance goals and help you decide if brachioplasty is right for you!

And, we also offer easy financing options through Care Credit and MLend – so you can get the arm lift surgery you want, without waiting another summer.

Call for a Detroit Area Arm Lift Consultation & Get Rid of Saggy, Flabby Arms for Good: 248-335-7200

How to Get Rid of Bat Wings Without Surgery
